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Prepare Your Top Ten List

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Are you in the New York area? Looking for new ways to take action and volunteer, especially in these challenging times? 

Explore this useful, organized volunteer guide from our partners at UJA Federation of NY. 

We are grateful for their contribution!

Think about the environment(s) where you do, act and make things happen. This could be your place of professional work, an organization you are involved with as a lay leader, a group of people you volunteer with, your community where you do projects, your students that you work with, your peers from youth movement or camp, etc, etc.

Consider some of the following questions: 


  • What do you appreciate about what happens there? 

  • Who are you grateful for? 

  • Where are the places you appreciate? 

  • Why are you thankful? 

  • How is the magic created? 


Download this template, complete your Top Ten List and hang it in your place of action, to share your appreciation and inspire others to join you!



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